For your listening pleasure...

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Monday, June 29, 2009

06-29-2009 Don's Meals

Breakfast: Atkins Shake
Lunch: Chicken salad with greens and spinich
Dinner: Cubed ham in salad with red cabbage and mushrooms

Snack: Pork Rinds

Sunday, June 28, 2009

06-28-2009 Don's Meals + Exercise

Breakfast: Eggs, Bacon, Sausage and Mixed salad greens
Lunch: Missed lunch today, fell asleep in my chair trying to cool off
Dinner: Mixed salad

Snack: Edamame Beans steamed with salt

Exercise: 1 hour in the yard, in the heat, behind a lawn mower.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

06-27-2009 Don's Meals + Exercise

Breakfast: Cheese, celery and onion Omelette and Bacon
Lunch: Missed lunch
Dinner: 1 Hamburger on Romaine with tomato

Snack: Pork Rind

Exercise: 2 Hours at Gym
Pool laps and aerobics - steam room

06-26-2009 Sunny's Meals

Breakfast: An Atkins shake and a cup of coffee with splenda and half and half
Lunch: 2 scrambled eggs with tomato sauce
Dinner: blueberries with whipped topping

strawberries with splenda

Friday, June 26, 2009

06-26-2009 Don's Meals + Exercise

Breakfast: BLT Salad
Lunch: Cobb Salad
Dinner: Chicken

Gym: 2 Hours
Laps and aerobics

06-25-2009 Don's Meals + Exercise

Breakfast: Left-over Steak with 2 eggs
Lunch: Chef Salad
Dinner: Chicken leg quarter plus an extra theigh.
Snack: Pork Rinds
Lots and Lots of water (I don't report this all the time but it's true every day)

Exercise: 2 hours at the gym in the pool

06-25-2009 Sunny's Meals

Breakfast: Just coffee with splenda and half n half
Lunch: 2 eggs and 3 pieces of breakfast sausage
Dinner: Turkey and salad

Sunflower seeds........I think I am truly addicted...Helllllllllp!!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

06-24-2009 Don's Meals

Breakfast: Cobb Salad (chicken, bacon bits, cheese and egg)
Lunch: Chef Salad (turkey bits, cheese, ham chunks over lettuce)
Dinner: Cesear Salad, Rib Eye Steak and asparagus (no desert)

Snack: Pork Rinds

06-24-2009 Sunny's Meals

Breakfast: a shake and coffee with splenda and half n half
Lunch: a three egg omelet with 1/2 cup of salsa
Dinner: Tuna salad made with grape tomatoes and hot pepper rings, mayo and onion powder...over 2 lettuce leaves

Sugar free jello with whipped topping

Plenty of water today too.
Sunflower seeds

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

06-23-2009 Don's Meals

Breakfast: Atkins Shake
Lunch: Salad at Ruby Tuesdays (Chicken, Bacon, Avocado, tomato and cheese, mixed greens)
Dinner: (Late home from gym, so picked):
Pork Rinds

Pool swimming and aerobic exercises 2.0 Hours

06-23-2009 Sunny's Meals

Breakfast: a shake and coffee with splenda and half n half
Lunch: 3 eggs cooked with 1/4 pepper and 1/4 onion and topped with 2 slices of american cheese
Dinner: a salad with mixed greens and black olives and grape tomatoes

Strawberries with whipped topping

06-22-2009 Sunny's Meals

Breakfast: A shake and coffee with splenda and half n half
Lunch: 2 eggs and water
Dinner: steak, steak steak

Berries with whipped topping
water water and more water

Monday, June 22, 2009

06-22-2009 Don's Meals + Exercise

Breakfast: Coffee 1/2 cup of blueberries
Lunch: Mixed salad with ham
Dinner: BBQ Chicken Leg Quarter / Salad

Snack: 4 Strawberries, Pork Rinds

Gym - Swimming and aerobic exercises in the pool. 2 Hours

06-21-2009 Don's Meals

Today was simple:

Breakfast: Atkins Shake
Lunch: Mixed Salad
Dinner: Steak on the Grill and Mushrooms sautéed in butter and garlic.

Snack: Pork Rinds

Sunday, June 21, 2009

06-21-2009 Sunny's Meals

Breakfast: a shake
Lunch: coffee and berries with whipped topping
Dinner out at Dad's! : chicken and roasted pork with broc and cauliflower and a salad

No snack for me today....i have water weight to lose, so I am only having water tonight! :)

06-20-2009 Sunny's Meals

Breakfast: A shake and coffee
Lunch: 2 eggs and 3 small breakfast sausages
Dinner: steak (again) with a salad
water water water

Snack: sunflower seeds which I HAVE GOT TO STOP!! Too much salt!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

06-20-2009 Don's Meals

Breakfast: Pork Roast and Eggs
Lunch/Dinner: Caesar Salad with Chicken, Spinach with garlic and olive oil.

I didn't get enough water today, but I'll do better tomorrow, and Exercise tomorrow.

Friday, June 19, 2009

06-19-2009 Don's Meals

Breakfast: Omelette with mushrooms, corned beef slices and cheese
Lunch: (Late, out): Steak, some roast chicken, cabbage and a salad
Diner: (Late lunch was kind of lunch/dinner) and wasn't hungry for more.

Snack: Pork Rinds

Lots of water with crystal light

06-19-2009 Sunny's Meals

Breakfast: coffee with splenda and half and half
Lunch: leftover filet mignon
Dinner: 10 chicken wings (there was a day when I could 25 of the little buggers, no more!!)

Snack: looking forward to my 5 strawberries with whipped topping tonight! :)

Happy Friday!!

06-18-2009 Sunny's Meals

Breakfast: a shake and coffee, water
Lunch: A two egg mushroom and cheese omelet
Dinner: Filet mignon with crystal light

1/2 cup of sunflower seeds

Thursday, June 18, 2009

06-18-2009 Don's Meals

Breakfast: Atkins Shake
Lunch: KFC Grilled Chicken and side salad
Dinner: Missed dinner... had Pork Rinds and water (late night at gym)

Pool Aerobics, Swimming Laps - Steam Room 2.0 hours

06-17-2009 Don's Meals

Breakfast: Atkins Shake
Lunch: COBB Salad
Dinner: Hamburgers on the grill with cheese, lettuce, a slice of tomatoe and a little mayo

Snack: Pork Rinds

Lots of water with Crystal Lite

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

06-16-2009 Don's Meals

Breakfast: Omelet with mushrooms and cheese
Lunch: Left-over Pork Roast and Broccoli
Dinner: Corned-Beef and cabbage roll-ups

Snack: Pork Rinds

06-16-2009 Sunny's Meals

Breakfast: coffee and a shake
Lunch: skipped, I just had some crystal lite lemonade and more water

Dinner: An Mmmm Burger (check recipe section) with mozzarella cheese added (delicious) and a salad with black olives with water

Snack: berried with whipped topping

Monday, June 15, 2009

06-15-2009 Don's Meals

Breakfast: Up early.. made an omelette with salsa, green peppers and cheese
Lunch: Cobb salad and stimulating conversation at work
Dinner: Atkins shake and some strawberries/blackberries

Snack: Pork Rinds

06-15-2009 Sunny's Meals.

Breakfast: a shake and coffee with the usual
Lunch: another shake
Dinner: steak and salad

Snack: sunflower seeds (love them)

Sunday, June 14, 2009

06-14-2009 Don's Meals

Breakfast: 4 Eggs and 3 strips of bacon
Lunch: Cobb Salad with Ranch
Dinner: Roast Pork and mixed vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, some carrots - just a little)

Desert: 3 big strawberries and 1/4th cup of blueberries

Water, more water, and then more water

06-14-2009 Sunny's Meals

Breakfast: Just coffee today with splenda 'n' half 'n' half
Lunch: A three egg omelet with american cheese and diced peppers, cooked in a pat of butter.
Dinner: A steak (filet mignon) grilled and a salad with salad greens and olives with extra virgin olive oil and white vinegar and spices of course.

Snack: strawberries with whipped topping and a dash of splenda

Saturday, June 13, 2009

06-13-2009 Meals + Exercise

Breakfast: Atkins shake
Lunch: Turkey and Cheese roll-ups and salad
Dinner: Salad with Ham and cheese

Salad Item: ( I keep these in the fridge at all times, pre-prepared)
Sliced Radishes
Sliced Zucchini
Chopped Onions
Shredded Carrots (I only use a little)
Shredded Red Cabbage
Mixed salad greens
Tomatoes (only very few)

06-13-2009 Sunny's Meals

Breakfast: A Shake, coffee with splenda and half and half
Lunch: A shake
Dinner out: Not much to choose from for me. There was soooo much food, but mostly all carb laden, so I had: Sausage with mushrooms and green beans.
Snack: piece of cheese and some proscutto, water

Friday, June 12, 2009

06-11-2009 Sunny's Meals

I skipped a day

Breakfast: scrambled eggs and coffee
Lunch: skipped
Dinner out at cuz Karen's: Sausage and a chicken salad with just a bit of basamic vinegar...good stuff! some cheese and berries for dessert...great day.

06-12-2009 Sunny's Meals

Breakfast: a shake
Lunch: A two egg mushroom omelet and coffee with splenda and half and half
Dinner: steak and a salad

Mixed berries with whipped topping! :)

Thursday, June 11, 2009

06-11-2009 Don's Meals + Exercise

Breakfast: Atkins Shake
Lunch: Rolled Turkey Breast
Dinner: Salad with Ham and Turkey

Snack: Pork RInds
and of course.. water..water..water

2 Hours at the gym. Pool, laps, aerobics in the pool

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

06-10-2009 Sunny's Meals

Breakfast: A scrambled egg, coffee with splenda and half and half- water
Lunch: A Shake- water
Dinner: Canned tuna packed in olive oil....added some spices and some banana pepper rings, it was perfect!-water

Snack: 1/2 cup of blueberries with whipped topping YUM!-water water water

06-10-2009 Don's Meals

Breakfast: Omelette with ham cubes, mushrooms and cheese
Lunch: Atkins Shake
Dinner: Out - Lobster and Prime Rib (End Cut.. yummy) Broccoli and salad bar

Snack: Pork Rinds

06-09-2009 Sunny's Meals

Breakfast: coffee with the usual, splenda and half and half
Lunch: skipped
Dinner: 8 sticks of slim jims

I was out in the city tonight and slim jims were the only thing available. :(

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

06-09-2009 Don's Meals + Exercise

Hi all.. very good day today:

Breakfast: Omelette with mushrooms, cheese and salsa
Lunch: Cobb salad: Lettuce, chicken, bacon bits, cheese and ranch dressing
Dinner: Not hungry after late day and getting home after 8:00pm

Snack: Pork Rinds

I need to drink more, but I did have at least 80 ounces today.

Exercise: Hour and a half at the gym after work. I did laps and exercise in the pool, some laps around the track and the steam room afterwards.

Monday, June 8, 2009

06-08-2009 Don's Meals

Today was a good day:

Breakfast: Omelette with ham chunks and mozzarella cheese
Lunch: Atkins Shake
Dinner: Steak Burgers with cheese, onions and mayonnaise on romaine lettuce

Snack: Pork Rinds

Sunday, June 7, 2009

06-07-2009 Don's Meals + Exercise

Well.. today was a very good day...

If you saw my video blog from today you know I went grocery shopping!

Breakfast: Atkins Shake
Lunch: Mixed Salad
Dinner: Roast Chicken and Mixed vegetables (Cauliflower, Broccoli and a very few carrots)

Snack: 3 strawberries (Very large) with some whip cream topping

Exercise: 2 hours at the gym. Swam laps and exercise in the pool, then the steam room. I'm lovin the gym!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

06-06-2009 Don's Meals

Breakfast: Skipped it because lunch and dinner were going to be lots of food.
Lunch: 80th Birthday party for Rose. I had Beef with mixed vegetables
Dinner: Gina's College Graduation party: Roast Beef, pork, sausage, veggies, salad, mixed berries

It was all great! Thanks for all the hard cooking Sunny Girl!

Friday, June 5, 2009

06-05-2009 Sunny's Meals

Breakfast: A shake and coffee with the usual...splenda and half and half
Lunch: 1/2 cup Tuna salad on lettuce leaves (2)
Dinner: 2 small slim jims and some hot pepper jack cheese

Snack: sunflower seeds....about 1/2 cup

06-05-2009 Don's Meals + Exercise

Breakfast: Atkins Shake
Lunch: Roast Chicken and salad
Dinner: Steak and mixed salad

Snack: Pork rinds

Exercise: 2 hours at gym. Pool laps (5) plus aerobic exercises then steam room

06-04-2009 Sunny's Meals

Breakfast: A shake
Lunch: Tuna salad in lettuce leaves
Dinner: Slim Jims (4)
Snack: Sugar Free Jello with whipped topping

Plenty of water and lots of moving around
I smell success and it's a sweet fragrance!!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

06-04-2009 Don's Meals

Breakfast: Eggs scrambled
Lunch: Atkins shake
Dinner: Chicken Salad from Chick-fil-a

Pork Rinds for snack

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

06-03-2009 Don's Meals + Exercise

Breakfast: Coffee w/Half-n-Half
Lunch: Atkins Shake
Dinner: Roast Chicken and cauliflower

Exercise: 2 hours at the gym. Exercises in the pool and laps, and steam room afterwards.

06-03-2009 Sunny's Meals

Breakfast: An Atkins shake, I prefer slim fast!
Lunch: a salad with olives and cheese
Dinner: Steak

Snack: sugar free jello with whipped topping

This has pretty much been what I've eaten for the past few days, substituting the steak for chicken....I've been too busy to be creative, but always keep on track! :)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

06-02-2009 Don's Meals

Breakfast: Atkins Shake
Lunch: Atkins Shake
Dinner: Prime Rib Roast and Broccoli

Snack - Pork Rinds

Monday, June 1, 2009

06-01-2009 Don's Meals + Exercise

Breakfast: Missed
Lunch: Shake and some chicken salad
Dinner: Mixed Salad with chicken and Pork Rinds

Lots of Water

Exercise: 2.5 hours at the gym. Various exercises in the pool and lap swimming, then steam room.